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Kissling's at Christmas

Nevada has ranked near the bottom in education for over a decade. Ryan feels strongly that it's time for a culture change in the Clark County School District.


Clark County School funding has continued to increase and we're getting the same results. Any team concerned with winning would have fired their coach by now. CCSD, however, has refused to change course or direction. Change is long overdue so Ryan has decided to run for Trustee in District E.


Like any winning program, Clark County schools need a focused game plan and one that keeps us on track. Ryan Kissling has seen kids across the valley affected negatively during the Covid pandemic, our current teacher shortages, and an extreme lack of oversight.


It's time we prioritized our children again and their future over damaging and indoctrinating curriculums. 

Ryan Kissling for School Board
Kissling Family Photo
Solve the Shortage!

Ryan's first priority is working to solve the teacher shortage that we have here in Clark County. Nevada already has the smallest teacher-to-student ratio in the country, with an average of 43 teachers per 1,000 students and as of last November the Clark County School District was short by over 1,300 teachers. A report commissioned in January found that In 2022-23, there were 2,922 vacancies out of 30,491 teacher and professional staff positions statewide, creating a vacancy rate of 9.6%, the report said. News outlets even pointed out that Nevada had the worst teacher shortage in the country!


Whether we agree on education policy itself, all parents, teachers, and administrators should agree that this teacher shortage needs to be solved if we expect Nevada's education rank to improve. Dr. Kissling is committed to working with our legislators, educators, and teachers to find the solution to this problem.  



Increase Transparency

While CCSD does produce an annual budget, the specifics are lacking. Each and every year Clark County Schools have received increased funding but have they have yet to produce results.


Ryan thinks this needs to change. You deserve to know how your money is being spent and where it's going. Ryan will work to ensure that money gets into the classroom rather than paying for unnecessary programs or bloated administrative costs.

Ensure Accountability

It's time that Clark County schools held administrators and teachers accountable. We need a  better evaluation system so that when schools, teachers, and administrators don't meet student needs, you as parents can do something about it.


Clark County Schools doesn't currently have an effective teacher or administrator evaluation process. In fact, in three decades only three principles have actually been fired or let go. No wonder we rank so low. Ryan will push for higher standards, and stricter evaluations.

Empower and Engage Parents

If you've ever been to a School Board meeting, it's evident that parent's voices are not being heard. Meetings are often catered to outside special interest groups rather than  our parents.

Clark County Schools needs to listen to parents, NOT outside special interest groups. These groups try and influence our children by pressuring school boards to institute unnecessary and potentially dangerous new curriculum that has little do with learning. Ryan will stand up for parents, and against these special interest groups.
Get Back to the Basics

Ryan knows the fundamentals are important. The key to improving the quality of our education in Nevada is simple, let's get away from indoctrinating our kids and back to educating them instead.


Our schools are so concerned with trains of thought and political agendas, that they have forgotten the entire purpose of school in the first place, education. We need to get back to focusing on actual skills like reading, writing, and arithmetic, and true academic standards. Ryan will push Clark County Schools to get back to the fundamentals so we can actually improve our educational standing.

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